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Valravn, ancestor of the seers, and master of ravens. He hunts his prey with his powers of illusion and feasts on their remains. Follow the path to Valravn and defeat him in battle to earn his mark. The gate to Helheim cannot be opened without it.

Valravn is the god of illusion and keeper of the Mark of Valravn. A monstrous hybrid between man and raven, he is one of two boss enemies that must be fought in order to open Helheim's gate.


Valravn takes the appearance of a tall thin man, wrapped in ribbons of dark cloth around his body. His head is made up of the skull of a raven, black feathers tailing from it down over his shoulders like a hood. He uses a pair of sickles as his primary weapons.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice[]

Unlike his counterpart, Surtr, Valravn actually appears earlier on during the illusion puzzles leading up to his fight. He emits a dark, ominous chanting but will disappear whenever Senua gets close to him.

Danish folklore[]

Unlike Surtr, Valravn is not actually a figure in Norse lore; he instead comes from Danish lore about supernatural ravens. The ravens appear in traditional Danish folksongs, where they are described as originating from ravens who eat the bodies of the dead on the battlefield, as capable of turning into the form of a knight after eating the entire heart of a child, and, alternately, as half-wolf and half-raven creatures.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Immortality:: Valravn, as a God of Illusion and keeper of the Mark of Valravn, is immortal, having lived for many millennia. Only a sufficiently powerful weapon or an extremely powerful being like Senua can kill him.
  • Illusion Manipulation: As the God of illusion, Valravn was a master of Illusion, being impossible to know what is real and what is not in your domain.
    • Illusionary Environment: Valravn can shape the environment around him, transforming it into a setting that favors his tactics. He alters the landscape, creating possible illusory scenarios that confuse and destabilize his opponents.
    • Voice Projection: Valravn is capable of projecting his voice, allowing him to sing an unknown song that can disorient Senua, leading her into confusion and fear.
  • Superhuman Speed: Valravn possesses exceptional speed, able to move rapidly while facing Senua, making his attacks unpredictable and difficult to avoid.
  • Superhuman Agility: While facing Senua, Valravn was able to move in more agile ways than natural. being able to perform moves much faster than she can perform.
  • Weather Manipulation: It is noted that Valravn has a certain level of weather manipulation because while fighting Senua, every time he teleported, a sound of thunder could be heard accompanied by a strong crack of lightning.
  • Teleportation: Valravn was able to teleport to an unknown location.
  • Darkness Manipulation: Valravn was able to imbue his entire body with darkness.
    • Invulnerability: In this form, Valravn became immune to all of Senua's physical attacks.
  • Levitation: Valravn was able to use this power to move through the air and simulate flight. It is possible to see him levitating a few times as he watches Senua from afar. Valravn can also levitate before making a quick charge against Senua.
  • Summoning: Valravn was able to leave the battlefield and summon some regular Northmen enemies before he returns to the battle.


  • Master Combatant: Valravn was a true combatant, having the ability to unleash extremely agility attacks with his Pair of Foice.
  • Sickle ProficiencyTo be added
  • Sickle Throwing Mastery :Valravn was able to throw his sickles at Senua in a ranged attack, initially throwing only one, then two at once. They can be parried to reflect their path back to him.




Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice - Valravn Boss Fight

The Valravn fight.
