Hellblade Wiki

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This article contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse and Celtic Mythology as introduced in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

The bridge to Helheim... I forget its name. She forgets too. But she does remember that only the dead may cross it. That part wasn’t so easy to forget. The old fool said there was a hidden path up to it. Let’s see, shall we?

The Bridge to Helheim, also known as Gjallarbr' or Gjöll Bridge, is a bridge in Norse legend which spans the mythical river Gjöll. The bridge must be crossed in order to reach Helheim.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice[]

Senua first sees the bridge early on in the story; the narrator has forgotten the name of the bridge, but recalls that it is the path Senua must take to Helheim. Druth described the bridge as being "covered in gold," and while only the dead may cross it, there is a hidden path to reach it that Senua finds.

Only after defeating Valravn and Surtr is Senua able to reach the bridge. After fighting past several waves of Northmen, Senua comes close to the door to Hela's Sanctum, but Hela appears and throws Senua to the beach below, destroying the bridge.

Norse Mithology[]

The bridge is known as Gjallarbrú; it is described as a covered bridge "thatched with glittering gold," and the dead can only reach Hel by crossing the bridge.

Gjallarbrú (literalmente "Ponte Gjöll") é uma ponte na mitologia nórdica que atravessa o rio Gjöll no submundo . Ela deve ser cruzada para chegar a Hel . De acordo com Gylfaginning, é descrita como uma ponte coberta, "coberta de ouro brilhante". Ela figura mais proeminentemente na história de Baldr , especificamente quando Hermód é enviado para resgatar o deus caído da terra dos mortos. Quando Hermód chegou à ponte, ele foi desafiado pela donzela gigante Módgud, que exigiu que ele declarasse seu nome e negócios antes de permitir que ele passasse.

