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This article contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse and Celtic Mythology as introduced in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

The Northmen say that their Allfather, Odin, gave his eye in exchange for a drink from Mimir’s well, the well of wisdom. In blindness there can be wisdom; only by giving, can you receive in return. For this reason, I give my life, and pass on my stories of the Northmen to you, Senua.

The Blindness Shard Trial is one of Trials of Odin that Senua is tasked with completing to repair the sword Gramr.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice[]

Blindness Totem

Totem that gives access to the Blindness Shard Trial

In this trial, Senua is in a pitch black place with no light to guide her - only Dillion's voice can help her at the moment. As you progress, he will ask Senua to feel and she will feel a breeze. Eventually Senua will hear water dripping and the metallic swinging of the brazier. She eventually reaches a place where there is a monster that awakens her despair, but Senua calmly manages to advance without alerting the creature. Then, with no wind to guide her, Senua focuses on what else she can hear and hears a stream, which she follows until she reaches a more open place. She will be surrounded by several monsters and Dillion will suggest that you move silently and slowly without attracting the attention of the monsters around you. After passing through the monsters silently, Senua goes down a well and crosses a plank and passes through more monsters slowly without alerting them. After exiting the well, Senua finds a light and eventually completes the trail.


In this trial, the main objective is to cross the place where there is no light.
